K W M Friends

Friday, July 26


Xerggyo & Hil

The new church back in T continues to grow stronger and deeper in teaching and baptisms. We visit many of our mountain people of Chiapas, sharing the message of Jesus. This week we will be teaching a class in the north of Mexico on cross-cultural mission. My parents town has opened today after being closed for two months due to political violence.


Leah Hopp

July 25

My trip to Mbale last week went well. The dual birthdays were dually celebrated. Praise God that my ear feels better this past week than it has since October. Please pray that the injections that I received last week will continue to be effective and relieve me of pain. Aleper and I have made it halfway through Chris' (clinic admin) furlough. I'm so grateful for Aleper partnership in all the details.    

Mary Jane Fandrich

July 18

Recently, our minds and hearts were turned to Psalm 13:6: “I will sing to the Lord, for he has done good to me.”, following four complaints: “How long…How long……How long……How long?
We sang with warmth and joy at the July Fourth celebration the old songs of our amazing gift of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in ‘America’: “God send His grace on thee, and crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea.”
In the morning our hearts sing, “When morning gilds the skies, my heart awakening cries, ‘May Jesus Christ be praised’”. That is our ultimate and eternal song.
At the dinner table a number of friends, Jewish and Gentile were agreeing ‘Life is unpredictable, enjoy it while you can’. One of our number went off with friends and relatives to enjoy Food and Wine for the weekend. Will she return sober, we laughed?
My July Fourth greeting to you was delayed. Unusual, as being ‘free, white, and twenty-one’ on-time-ness, is ingrained. David Fandrich my youngest is very sick. He’s the one who’s never sick.
Fever, aches, double vision, stomach upset, and it went on for five days without respite. Finally a doctor was consulted: not covid, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, antibiotic, nothing helped. A virus? Finally an MRI was done. Meanwhile, his vision is kicking back in occasionally. Good sign.
When life makes us do a ‘double take’, we do well to focus on “These words are trustworthy and true…And behold I am coming soon…I am the Alpha and the Omega…He who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am coming soon’. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!”. Revelation 22:6-20
Mary Jane

P. S. To you who are my wonderful Canadian friends and supporters, forgive the americaness of the recent messages. God has done good to us all who follow Him.
The translation quoted is the back translation from the Arabic, not from an English translation
which is the work of memorizing every morning. Oh the darkness that envelopes the Islamic people! Alas. mj 


Leah Hopp

July 17

Wow! You must have had a lot of rain! It's raining here too as I take the matatu to Mbale today. Praying for safety as people escape the flooding.

I'm going to see my brother and family as his wife's birthday is tomorrow and his daughter's birthday is on Friday. I haven't seen them in a couple months, so I look forward to catching up with them. My brother has his work permit now. Praise God! My sister-in-law and niece are still waiting for their dependant's pass and student pass.

I will also get injections for my ear problem for the next three days. The latest theory is that my eustacion tube is blocked due to severe allergies. The bleeding and swelling from that is impacting my ear and TMJ. Loud noises especially aggravate my ear pain.

Elaine Esser

July 12

On Thursday morning I was in so much pain in my left leg I could hardly walk. I decided to call the ambulance. I managed to walk down the stairs to get on the stretcher with their help. I then sat in a wheel chair for about four hours. They were very busy.

The doctor examined me and gave me a heavy dose of pain killer and had x-ray's done of my hips and spine. The result was I have osteoarthritis in both hips. I was able to get my self dressed and she gave me a prescription for a heavy duty pain killer. There is no treatment for osteoarthritis except pain killers. I do have a rub that helps as well made from natural ingredients.

A friend arrived with supper for me tonight so I didn't have to cook. My neighbor also brought groceries for me this morning so I am all stocked up.
The problem with the one type of arthritis that I have is that it is not treatable! The specialist says take pain pills five times a day. The weather seems to trigger these bad bouts of pain. 

Xerggyo & Hil

July 10

We are busy here in Mexico, teaching in churches as part of a cross cultural teaching program for new workers all over Mexico. Last night we were part of a conversation with a Seminary in Guatemala to introduce I studies. 
Today we are travelling near San Cristobal to attend a worship service with children.

Knox Memories

Do you have a memory of some special time associated with Knox Spadina? Author Ian McKechnie, is compiling a number of articles to include in a PCC book. You can contact Ian below.

Kevin & Irene Livingston

July8--Sarah's pregnancy

Thank you so much for your prayers! Our daughter Sarah gave birth to our new granddaughter named Flora just after 3 p.m. this afternoon. The baby came very quickly, after only three pushes! Both mother and baby are doing well. Baby is six weeks early but will be well cared for at the hospital in Boston.

Please pray for good health for both and for continued strength for Irene who is watching two young and very active grandchildren. 


Luke and Yuko Elliot

Thank you for praying for Family Day Camp (Saturday, June 29). We had three families join us this time, as well as three elderly non-Christians hungry for fellowship. The Persian-Japanese family and the three elderly folks came at the invitation of Joshua and Jessica Landry. This is a wonderful answer to prayer. Please continue to pray for more applications to our Kids' and Teen Bible Camps.

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